THE DAILY Coffee Express

XFuels Bauman’s, Polokwane

XFuels Bauman’s petrol service station, 12 Witklip Street, Ladanna 0700, Polokwane

The Daily Coffee Express Polokwane – conveniently located on the XFuels Bauman’s petrol station’s premises – offers good coffee and a fine variety of grab-and-go food items.

Check in for refreshments next time you stop for fuel. We understand the needs of those who are on the move, and offer quality nourishment to enjoy while on the go.

The Daily Coffee Express Polokwane – your personal and convenient refuelling pit stop. 

Humans, after all, also need fuel for the road!

coffee and hot drinks |  fresh delights | daily specialties

the daily

your neighbourhood coffee express destination for those who are on the move!

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